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  List of presentations (click on links below to view and download):


Welcome to Dresden (Thomas Matschei, HTW Dresden)


Introduction to calorimetry (Lars Wadsö, Lund University) 


Hydration behavior of celitement (Angela Ullrich, KIT)


Limestone particle size and cement performance: can we apply calorimetry for process control? (Michael Enders, Thyssen Krupp Industrial Solutions)


How to capture the HoH for the first 10 minutes (Lars Wadsö, Lund University and Paul Sandberg, Calmetrix)


Discussion on HoH best practice (Lars Wadsö, Lund University)


Precision estimation and comparison with EN-196-9 (Fabrizio Moro, LafargeHolcim Research Center)


Development of a robust test to evaluate the reactivity of SCMs (François Avet, EPFL)


A study of moisture binding in fly ash blended Portland binder paste and mortar by isothermal calorimetry and simultaneous relative humidity measurements (Oskar Linderoth, Lund University)


Towards understanding the optimum sulfate content of cement (Thomas Matschei, HTW Dresden)


Influence of TEA on cement hydration at early age (Marie Jachiet, Chryso)


The improved ASTM C563 with focus on isothermal calorimetry (Paul Sandberg, Calmetrix) 


Application of calorimetry for hydration study of belite-ferrite-ye’elimite cements (Maciej Zajac, Heidelberg Cement)


Assessment of pozzolanic heat of supplementary cementitious materials in blended cements by calorimetry method (Martin Palou, Stuba)


Calorimetry and relative humidity for self dessication studies (Lars Wadsö, Lund University)


Internal curing of concrete by superabsorbent polymers (SAP): Sorption kinetics of SAP visualised and quantified by neutron radiography imaging and linked to the progress of cement hyradation (Christof Schröfl, TU Dresden)


Combination of different methods in order to understand the heat released during hydration of cementitious materials (Julian Wolf & Daniel Jansen, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)


New approach to analyze cement hydration data using TAM Air (Christian Ortman, TA Instruments)


Comparison of calorimetry with other methods for accelerated Portland cements (Tamino Hirsch, TU Berlin)


Calorimetry on natural pozzolan based geopolymer  (Rafia Firdous, TU Berlin)


Studies of cement hydrates by application of sorption calorimetry (Luis Baquerizo, LafargeHolcim Research Center)





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